Wireless Security

Wireless technology is ubiquitous. Unfortunately, wireless network security is not yet as widespread. Configuring the security features on wireless products is often time-consuming, and confusing to anyone who isn’t an IT expert. As a result, millions of wireless networks are not as secured as they could be. Scheduling a consultation with our team of professionals will give you a chance to review your Wi-Fi security and make sure you’re using every available tool to keep your network safe and secure.

We are well versed in the many wireless security services available. We can help get you set up with a secure wireless router, and make sure your network is compliant with WPA security standards. WPA, or Wi-Fi Protected Access, is a security standard developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to encourage stronger data encryption and user authentication. We can also reduce your WLAN transmitter power, set up MAC filtering for access control, disable remote administration, and more. So keep your Wi-Fi network safe, and schedule a consultation now!

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